IPSA RC 19 - Gender Politics and Policy

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Call for Papers and Panels: IPSA 2025 World Congres

The Call for Papers for the 28th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Seoul, South Korea from 12-16 July 2025, is now open! The #IPSA2025  World Congress will have a diverse program under the theme Autocratization in Polarized Societies. Paper and closed panel proposals on any political science-related subject are welcome.



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Business meeting in Poznan Monday 25th July 15.30-17.15

RC 07 and RC19 will have a combined business meeting  on Monday 25th July 15.30-17.15;

Place: PCC -15/1.1 (Poznań Congress Center, Pavilion 15 (PCC-15))

In advance of the business meeting, we ask our members to please observe the following:

- if you have items to add to the agenda, please send them to Jennifer Curtin as incoming Chair,  j.curtin@auckland.ac.nz .

- if you want to nominate for the executive board, also please send your name to Jennifer. Also, previous members of the Board are welcome to submit their names if they are interested in continuing in the Board. The final election of the Board will take place in the meeting.


Revised programme of Pre-Congress Workshop in Poznan 23rd July

RC19 (Gender Politics and Policy)

Pre-Congress Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming: Theory and Practice ‒ Research and Teaching

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016




Location: Classroom 120, AMU Morasko Campus, University of Adam Mickiewicz

See: https://wc2016.ipsa.org/events/congress/wc2016/venue


9.00-9.15 Welcome (by Anne Maria Holli, Chair of RC19)

9.15-10.00 Olena Hankivsky (Simon Fraser University): Is it time for a post-gender mainstreaming conversation?

10.00-10.45 Kristy Kelly (Columbia University and Drexel University).: ‘We weren’t unhappy until this workshop!’ Engendering the State, Democratizing Development

10.45-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-11.45 Amanda Gouws (University of Stellenbosch): Thinking about gender mainstreaming from a Southern perspective

11.45-12.30 Kimete Canaj (University of Vienna): Gender mainstreaming in Kosova

12.30-13.30 Lunch break

13.30-14.15 Kirsty McLaren (Australian National University and University of Liberia): The challenges of ‘doing’ intersectionality: early pregnancy and girls’ education in Liberia

14.15-15.00 Petra Ahrens (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Teaching the invisible – gender mainstreaming in Germany

15.00 -15. 15 Coffee break

15.15 -16.00 Judit Fabian (University of Ottawa): Finding feminist political ‘science' at the global level: ‘Gender mainstreaming’ and the representation of women and women’s interests

16.00-17.00 General discussion and wrap-up of the seminar



Dr. Lenita Freidenvall elected to new Deputy Chair for 2016-18

Our e-mail call for persons willing to serve as Deputy Chair for the next two years resulted in Dr. Lenita Freidenvall (University of Stockholm, Sweden)  taking up the challenge, with no additional candidates making themselves known, hence no on-line election took place.

You will find out more about Lenita in the short biographical note to follow. Lenita will ascend to Chair in 2018 after Jennifer Curtin (University of Ackland, New Zealand) who will step in  after Anne Maria Holli (University of Helsinki, Finland) in Poznan.

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RC19 calls for candidacies for Vice-Chair for 2016-18

Today  there was sent a mail to our members calling for nominations for Vice-Chair for 2016-18.

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Pre-Congress Workshop 23rd July, Poznan

RC19 (Gender Politics and Policy)


Pre-Congress Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming: Theory and Practice ‒ Research and Teaching


Saturday, July 23rd, 2016



WELCOME - send an e-mail to anne.holli@helsinki.fi for registration



Since the mid-1990s and the UN Conference in Beijing, gender mainstreaming has been hailed as the feminist strategy for bringing gender perspectives into the study and practice of public policy and politics in general, at both the domestic and international level. Scholarship has offered some success stories, at least in comparative terms, with gender mainstreaming being realized in a transformative manner and with gender issues being considered in a ‘politics as usual’, self-evident, and systematic fashion. However, problems and failures in the gender mainstreaming effort appear to be a much more common story.

So is gender mainstreaming still a valid goal and strategy for feminist politics? How can we assess its advantages and disadvantages after twenty years of practicing gender mainstreaming? Are there possibilities for ameliorating the methods and application of this strategy to offset the disadvantages, or is there still a desire to do so? If not, what can we replace it with? And what opportunities and challenges has the concept of intersectionality – and the related strategy of diversity mainstreaming – brought to GM?

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RC19 Panels in World Congress 2016

...click on the link on the right side of page to find the current overview of our panels.

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RC-19 was represented at the 10th Anniversary Event of the Implementation of the IPSA Secretariat in Montréal


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RC 19 sponsors a panel at European Conference of Politics and Gender in Uppsala, 13th June 2015

For those of the members attending the European Conference on Politics and Gender in Uppsala , please mark the following event (Saturday 9 a.m) organised by RC19 on your conference calendar. We are looking forward to discussing discuss the state and future of feminist political science with you!

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Call for papers for ICPP conference 1-3 July 2015

IPSA RC 19 (Gender, Politics and Policy), in conjunction with FIIN (Feminism and Institutionalism International Network) are seeking to sponsor a panel on 'Feminist Institutionalism and Gender Equality Policy' at the Second International Conference on Public Policy, to be held at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, in Milan, 1st-3rd July, 2015.

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After Montreal World Conference News

On the heels of a very successful showing at the IPSA World Congress in Montreal in July, RC19 is busily preparing for several activities.

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Montreal Pre-Congress Workshop on Gender and Nationalism

Jill Vickers and Sarah Maddison are convening a workshop to coincide with the Montreal Congress. Most of the workshop sessions will be held on Saturday 19 July, with an additional panel to be scheduled during the congress itself (date and time yet to be announced.

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RC 19 Inter-Congress Meeting

RC 19 will organize an inter-Congress meeting on “The potentials and limits of Nordic equality politics in times of globalisation and change”

Helsinki, Finland, 12-14 December 2013

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2012 Congress: Important deadlines


  • August 18 Deadline to submit RC panels
  • October 7 Deadline to submit abstract/paper proposals
  • November 18 Deadline to submit travel grant applications
  • December 2 Submitters are notified of final results


  • January 13 Travel grant applicants are notified of final results
  • March 11 Registration Deadline for paper givers, discussants and chairs who wish their names to appear in the printed program. All panel chairs must register by this deadline.
  • June 1 Deadline for paper presenters to upload papers

If there is any confusion, please go to www.ipsa.org


2012 Congress Panel to be co-sponsored with RC 28 (Federalism)

Title: "The Jurisdictions of Federalism or the Politics of Scale: Opportunities for Women's Activism?

(will take place during the July 8-12 conference)

If you are interested in submitting papers for this panel, please contact the IPSA website for RC 19 or 28, or the conveners, Sonja Walti (walti@american.edu) or Melissa Haussman (Melissa_haussman@carleton.ca). Thank you to Sonja!


2012 Congress call for papers

Theme: “Re-ordering Boundaries, Shifting Power”-Governance Shifts and Gender

We seek papers which may cover but are not limited to the following themes:

-intrastate changes (such as election of Socialists in Spain and the decriminalization of abortion and gay marriage); electoral quota adoption

-interstate changes-whether states are finding ways to cooperate with each other in policy areas such as “sending” and “receiving” countries with respect to migration or refugee status, for example;

-devolution of previously supranational responsibilities to national governments (Lisbon Treaty and delineated role of national Parliaments for first time) and national to subnational (such as “expensive” women’s social policies and assignment to sub-national levels of government where tax and administrative resources are generally fewer);

-the ratification and institutionalization of certain supranational treaties and mechanisms since the last IPSA Congress, such as increased size of EU, ratification of Lisbon Treaty and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; new UN Agency for Women, headed by former Chilean President Michele Bachelet; and increased number of bilateral trade agreements between Global North and South.

Panels and papers which include comparisons of Global Southern and Northern states are especially sought but all panels and papers will receive enthusiastic consideration!

If interested in submitting papers or panels, please contact RC 19 through www.ipsa.org or individuals: Melissa_haussman@carleton.ca, or sarah.maddison@unsw.edu.au.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 7 October 2011


2012 Congress: Call for papers for Pre-Conference Workshop to be held July 7, 2012

Joint Call by RCs 7, 19, 52

Theme: “In this together? Women’s movements and the politics of intersectionality”

Theories of intersectionality highlight the ways in which multiple axes of identity—including race, class, sexuality, age, disability, motherhood and so on—interact in many levels of women’s lives. These intersections of identity have long complicated any notion of feminist ‘sisterhood’ or solidarity, while simultaneously drawing attention to the multiple forms of discrimination and oppression that many women experience.

While these insights are not new, they continue to have significant implications for the way in which women engage in politics and activism, raising questions of voice, authority and legitimacy. This is true both in domestic and transnational contexts, in movement organizations and in online communities, and in politics that is focused on the state or constituted in social and cultural spaces.

The pre-conference workshop seeks to examine the ways in which intersectionality continues to influence women’s movement organizing. How does intersectionality create new voices and spaces? How is it imposing silences? How has intersectionality changed feminists’ relationship to each other? To states and institutions? How have these insights changed the way that women’s movements organize between the Global South and North?

If you are interested in submitting a paper or panels to this joint effort for the PRE-CONFERENCE only, please contact the relevant RCs at www.ipsa.org or the conveners: Melissa_haussman@carleton.ca (RC 19); Mariel Lucero (RC 7), rc07women@yahoo.com.ar; or Nancy Kwang Johnson (RC 52) at nancykwangjohnson@gmail.com.

Deadline for abstracts: 7 October 2011