14Jul 2011
2012 Congress call for papers
01:59 - By Sarah Maddison - News
Theme: “Re-ordering Boundaries, Shifting Power”-Governance Shifts and Gender
We seek papers which may cover but are not limited to the following themes:
-intrastate changes (such as election of Socialists in Spain and the decriminalization of abortion and gay marriage); electoral quota adoption
-interstate changes-whether states are finding ways to cooperate with each other in policy areas such as “sending” and “receiving” countries with respect to migration or refugee status, for example;
-devolution of previously supranational responsibilities to national governments (Lisbon Treaty and delineated role of national Parliaments for first time) and national to subnational (such as “expensive” women’s social policies and assignment to sub-national levels of government where tax and administrative resources are generally fewer);
-the ratification and institutionalization of certain supranational treaties and mechanisms since the last IPSA Congress, such as increased size of EU, ratification of Lisbon Treaty and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; new UN Agency for Women, headed by former Chilean President Michele Bachelet; and increased number of bilateral trade agreements between Global North and South.
Panels and papers which include comparisons of Global Southern and Northern states are especially sought but all panels and papers will receive enthusiastic consideration!
If interested in submitting papers or panels, please contact RC 19 through www.ipsa.org or individuals: Melissa_haussman@carleton.ca, or sarah.maddison@unsw.edu.au.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 7 October 2011