15Jul 2013
RC 19 Inter-Congress Meeting
10:25 - By Sarah Maddison - News
RC 19 will organize an inter-Congress meeting on “The potentials and limits of Nordic equality politics in times of globalisation and change”
Helsinki, Finland, 12-14 December 2013
The meeting is part of a joint conference “Perspectives on political science and gender”, organized by International Political Science Association (IPSA), IPSA research committees 19 (Gender Politics and Policy) and 33 (the Study of Political Science as a Discipline), Nordic Political Science Association (NOPSA) and Finnish Political Science Association (FPSA). The Conference is organized in conjunction with the IPSA Executive Committee Meeting in Helsinki. The Nordic Political Science Association and the Finnish Political Science Association will also organize events during the Conference.
Theme: The Nordic Countries have for a long time been considered as model countries when it comes to gender equality, a high representation of women in politics and ‘women-friendly’ policies enabling a dual bread-winner/career model for both sexes. The aim of this meeting is to provide a forum for a critical analysis of the situation and future prospects in the Nordic contexts today, in the framework of global economies, increasing migration and multi-culturalism in Nordic societies as well as the rise of support for populist, often anti-immigration and anti-equality parties. Invited speakers and participants include top feminist scholars in this field. The organisers welcome paper proposals to all the planned workshop sessions on this theme.
Deadline for for paper proposals is 15.9.2013. Abstracts should be sent to Anne Maria Holli (anne.holli@helsinki.fi)
For more information: see the conference website: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/fpsaconference2013/
Roundtable: What can (Nordic) feminist studies contribute to political science?__
Chair: Anne Maria Holli (University of Helsinki) Terrell Carver (University of Bristol): ‘Gender is not a synonym for women’ Linda Cardinal (University of Ottawa): ‘Political science, feminist studies, minorities and intersectionality’ Birte Siim (University of Aalborg): ‘The challenge to reframe citizenship and gender equality - a Nordic (feminist) perspective’ Lenita Freidenvall (University of Stockholm): ‘Gender equality policy: actors, institutions and processes’
1. Critical feminist policy analysis. Theoretical, methodological and empirical challenges
Chair: Malin Rönnblom (University of Umeå)
2. Gender equality, nationalism and welfare: intersectional contestations and the politics of belonging
Chair: Pauline Stoltz (University of Aalborg)
3. Open workshop
Chair: Lenita Freidenvall (University of Stockholm)
4. The politics of gender and equality in times of globalisation and change – comparative perspectives
Chair: Christina Bergqvist (University of Uppsala)