10Apr 2014
Montreal Pre-Congress Workshop on Gender and Nationalism
08:55 - By Sarah Maddison - News
Jill Vickers and Sarah Maddison are convening a workshop to coincide with the Montreal Congress. Most of the workshop sessions will be held on Saturday 19 July, with an additional panel to be scheduled during the congress itself (date and time yet to be announced.
The preliminary program is as follows:
Panel 1: New Approaches To Studies Of Gender and Nationalisms NOTE: This panel will be held during the IPSA sessions on Tuesday, July 22nd - 3.00-4:45 Palais des congrès 512e
Chair: Carol Johnson, Adelaide University, Australia.
- Comparing Gender Aspects of Nations, Nation-State Building and Nationalisms
Professor Jill Vickers, Department of Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa,
- The Changing Signification of the Nation
Professor Diane Lamoureux, Department of Political Science, Université Laval, Quebec
- Women and Nationalism in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict
Dr. Melanie Hoewer, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin
- The ‘Golden Triangle’ of Nationalism, Gender and the Economic
Judit Fabian, Department of Political Science, Carleton University, Ottawa
- Discussant: Sarah Maddison, University of New South Wales
Panel Two: 19 July, 2014 9:00-10:00 Masculinities and Nationalisms
Chair: Professor Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Ordinary Masculinities and Refugees: Belonging to the Jordanian Nation
Luigi Achilli, Research Associate, Ifpol
- Gender and Muscular Nationalism in India
Sikata Bannerjee, University of Victoria
Tea/Coffee 10-10:30
Panel 3 10:30—11:30 Gender and Nationalism in Ireland
Chair: Dr. Melanie Hoewer, School of Politics and International Relations
- Time, Gender and Irish State Legitimacy, 1912-1923
Aidan Beatty , History, University of Chicago
- No Idle Sightseers:The Ulster Women’s Unionist Council & the Ulster Crisis, 1912-14
Pamela McKrane, York University, Canada
LUNCH 11:30- 1
Panel Four 1-3:30 Minority Women’s National Identities
Chair: Micheline de Sève, University of Quebec at Montreal
- Strengthening National Identity Among India’s Muslim Women
Sarah Bibler and Vasu Mohan, International Foundation for Electoral Systems
- Sexist Proverbs, Gender and Uyghur Nationalism in Xinjianj
Elena Caprioni, University of Toronto
- Intersectionality and Nation-Building Among Rural Women in Timor-Leste
Sarah Maddison, UNSW and Deborah Cummings, RMIT
- Women’s Citizenship and Ethno-National Minority Territorial Autonomy Arrangements: Catalonia,Corsica, Hong Kong and Tibet
Susan Henders, York University, Centre for Asian Research
- Women are Nurses and Men are Cadets: Gender and the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party
Margaret Power , Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago
Panel 5 4-5:30 Gendering Extreme Nationalisms
Chair: Jill Vickers, Political Science, Carleton University jill.vickers@sympatico.ca
- Gender and Nationalism: Reflections on Contemporary Japanese Nationalism Discourse
Donna Weeks, University of the Sunshine Coast
- Women’s Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Gender Issues- the UK
Jon Mulholland, Middlesex University, Nicola Montyna, Middlesex University and Erin Saunders-McDonagh, Middlesex University
- Women’s Support for the Radical Right: The Role of Gender Issues-Germany
Dr Renate Bitzan , Nuremberg Institute of Technology
5:30-6pm Discussion of Networking Arrangements & Publishing Possibilities